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[Jan 10, 2018, 8:49 PM]
SELMA, N.C. — The Town of Selma Parks and Recreation Department announced that it will premiere a Shoebox Parade in honor of Black History Month.
On Thursday, February 18 at 7:00 pm, the premiere of the Black History Month Shoebox Parade will debut on the Selma Parks and Recreation Facebook page and YouTube channel.
“Selma’s Black History Month Shoebox Parade is a big celebration on a small scale. We were unable to schedule a live, in-person parade due to the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, so the Shoebox Parade is the next best thing.” Stated Parks and Recreation Director, Billy Roach.
The premise of the Shoebox Parade is that instead of a full-size float in a regular, outdoor parade, the float is miniaturized and the shoebox now becomes the “float” and business owners and civic clubs from Selma and beyond were asked to decorate a shoebox and submit their handmade miniature “float” to capture the spirit of Black History Month 2021. The overall theme of the parade is Black History and each individual float is representative of that theme.
“We’ve had great response with this unique idea. Some of the shoeboxes capture the spirit of the Black hero, while others emphasize the importance of African-American culture.” Continued Roach.
The Parks and Recreation department is encouraging everyone to tune in to watch the parade either on the Selma Parks and Recreation Facebook page, or the department's YouTube channel on February 18t at 7:00 pm.
Look for the Shoebox Parade scavenger hunt as well. A list of items that are only found in the Selma Shoebox Parade will be listed and viewers can keep their eyes peeled for those items. When they complete their scavenger hunt list, they can submit it to the Parks and Recreation department and a winner will be drawn from all the eligible entries. One winner for children aged 3-15 and one winner from the adults aged 16-99. Scavenger hunt lists will be available to view on Tuesday, February 16th on the webpage selma-nc.com/departments/parks-rec/black-history-month-shoebox-parade.
Tune in to watch the Parade on the Selma Parks and Recreation Facebook page at
www.facebook.com/selmaparksrec or on its YouTube Channel at www.youtube.com/channel/UCSTqhJD85zdb-YcJgsr-Tjw.